Introducing Me

Introducing Me

Hi everyone !
Welcome and thank you for visiting my website !

Here is my presentation ! :
My full name : Melody Rampath
My age : 13 years old
My hobbies : I love to sing, dance, play the flute, write, make video montages, customize my stuff, decorate my room, cook & do bike rides.
My mother language : French

How did I learn English ?

I've started to learn English at the age of 4 or 5 years old because I was a big fan of Amy Winehouse (and I still am).

I wanted to sing her songs in particular, which (with the practice and the time) made me learn English very easily.

Why do I speak English on this website ?

I speak English on this website because I wan't practically all of the people to understand what I'm saying.

But for my French visitors, I will translate everything (but not my poems).
(The poems that I'm going to write in French are not gonna be translated in English).

My Social Media :